

文 / 德蘭啟智中心 楊美華主任

住盟於上月邀請澳洲講師Tony Harman向臺灣的啟智工作者深入淺出地介紹何為積極性支持(Active Support)。雖然許多臺灣的啟智工作者對積極性支持不熟悉,但其實這個指導策略在某些國家已行之有年。在研習會場上,有人覺得工作分析教學法和積極性支持有許多相似之處,甚至會認為兩者幾乎是相等的。為了讓大家更瞭解積極性支持,進而善用這種方法的特點,特將兩者的特性分析、比較。因本文在匆促下完稿,且沒有查到針對兩者進行比較的相關文獻,所以若有誤謬之處,還請先進給予指正。

毛連溫(民88):特殊兒童教學法。台北:心理出版社。中國視聽教育協會戈敏娟等人(民84): 系統化教學設計。台北:師大師苑有限公司。林千惠、賴美智(民83):工作分析教學法—在啟智教學上的運用。財團法人台北市第一兒童發展文教基金會。

「積極性支持」Active Support:高密度支持需求者居家自主生活方案研討會,台中,2009年3月23日至3月24日。

Harman and Sanderson(2008). How Person-Centred Is Active _Support? Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability, v33 n3 p274-277,Sep 2008; Taylor & Francis, Ltd.

Tizard Centre(2009) Person-centred active support: Opportunities for education and development at the Tizard Centre (http://www.kent.ac.uk/tizard/active/index.html)

Stancliffe RJ, Jones E, Mansell J, Lowe K.(2008). Active support: A critical review and commentary. Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability, v33 n3 p196-214 Sep 2008.


Jones E, Perry J, Lowe K, Felce D, Toogood S, Dunstan F, Allen D, Pagler J. (1999) Opportunity and the promotion of activity among adults with severe mental retardation living in community residences: the impact of training staff in Active Support. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research , 43 , 164-178.

Felce D, Bowley C, Baxter H, Jones E, Lowe K, Emerson E. (2000) The effectiveness of staff support: Evaluating Active Support training using a conditional probability approach. Research in Developmental Disabilities , 21 , 243-255.

Jones E, Felce D, Lowe K, Bowley C, Pagler J, Gallagher B, Roper A. (2001) Evaluation of the dissemination of Active Support training in staffed community residences. American Journal on Mental Retardation , 106 , 344-358.

Jones E, Felce D, Lowe K, Bowley C, Pagler J, Strong G, Gallagher B, Roper A, Kurowska, K. (2001) Evaluation of the dissemination of Active Support training and training trainers. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities , 14 , 79-99.

Smith C, Felce D, Jones E, Lowe K. (2002) Differential responsiveness to staff support: Evaluating the impact of individual characteristics on the effectiveness of Active Support Training using a conditional probability approach. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research , 46 , 594-604.

Felce D, Jones E, Lowe K. (2002) Active support: Planning daily activities and support for people with severe mental retardation. In S. Holburn, PM Vietze (Eds) Person-centered planning: Research, practice and future directions . Baltimore: Paul Brookes Publishing.

